At Apex Riding Academy, careful planning is dedicated to coordinating lessons with our instructors and reserving horses for each rider. It is essential for riders to attend scheduled lessons and arrive on time to uphold the smooth operation of our schedule. Should Apex need to cancel a lesson, we are committed to arranging a make-up session at a time that suits the rider's convenience.

Lesson Cancellation
& MAKE-UP Policy

  • Your lesson time reserves the exclusive use of a school horse, cancellations for any reason must be made at least 24 hrs prior to your lesson time.  
  • Failure to give 24-hour notice when making a cancellation or you do not show up will result in a “No Show” and you will lose that lesson from your Tuition
  • Students are allowed One make-up lesson per month - If you cancel your lesson within the time frame allowed.  
  • Cancellations may be made by phone, email, or text to your instructor. 
  • Make-up lessons will ONLY be offered at our pre-scheduled time slot in the last week of the month. Make-up lessons will most likely be group lessons with other make-up students.  
  • Apex reserves the right to cancel your lesson time permanently and reschedule a new student to this time If you cancel this time slot more than 3 times and/or on a regular basis.   

Canceling Tuition:
Your rider stays enrolled until you submit a 15-day cancellation notice in order for our system to apply for the correct payment and cease future payments. This should be done before the first of the month because there are NO REFUNDS for unused lessons. 

Submit your last day via EMAIL: We ask for a 15-day notice to ensure correct billing. Please be clear on when you will your last ride at Apex will be or When you want the tuition to stop. Example: Please cancel our tuition starting Feb 1st 2027. Canceling your lesson tuition is permanent and will release your rider's spot/time. Please be aware you will lose this spot/time for future scheduling. 

How Tuition Is Calculated: 
Your first month’s tuition is prorated for the number of lessons left in that month. The future month’s Tuition is billed on the 1st day of each month and will vary depending on the number of lessons scheduled in the month. Billing will continue until you submit your 15-day cancellation notice. Monthly tuition is not always the same. Tuition for one lesson a week starts at the Current Rate. Some months have 5 lessons/weeks. The total monthly tuition is higher for those months. Some months have 4 lessons and possibly fewer due to holidays and closures. The total monthly tuition is lower for those months.

Tuition Cancellation

Silver Stirrup Tournament Cancellation: 
Cancellation Policy for Silver Stirrup Tournament: If you need to cancel your participation in the Silver Stirrup Tournament, please inform us as soon as possible. It is important to note that horses and staff are scheduled two weeks prior to the event. Therefore, timely notification is essential. Remember that no refunds will be offered.

Academy Competition Cancellation: 
Late Entry and Cancellation Policy: A $25 late entry fee will be applied if you choose to participate in the show after the deadline has passed, alongside any additional horse show entry late fees. Should you need to cancel after entering, please understand that NO REFUNDS will be possible. This policy is in place because all associated fees, training, and care for the horse have already been covered up front. Preparing horses for competitions involves extensive advance planning and arrangements, making it necessary to enforce these conditions.

Competition Cancellation